Monday 19 November 2012

How to greet the new Kent police commissioner

A letter of congratulations and best wishes might fit the bill, whatever reservations you might have for the somewhat extraordinary experiment in policing, the police and crime commissioner elections.

Still that would be normal not however for local hero of the left, Cllr Driver a person whom had himself expressed an interest in the post, was apparently to be found outside Kent police headquarters on Saturday, demonstrating with animal rights protesters requesting that the newly elected police commissioner lift protest restrictions.

All well and good but thank God Driver failed in his bid to get elected since part of his losing bid for the post, included demands for liberalisation of drugs and prostitution laws, just imagine the protests had he won, from those whose nearest and dearest had been lost to drugs and more disturbing people trafficking common in the sex trade.

Thank God we got Anne Barnes and not Driver.



  1. Welcome to Thanet blogging Margate Bloke, I have put a link on my sidebar.
