Wednesday, 13 August 2014

LET'S SORT'EM OUT ! Thanet Council Rubbish Alert

Thanet Council despite a sh t storm in the local media last week have yet to apologise for their abysmal treatment of local taxpayers, as you might expect, it looks like Thanet's mediocracy our leaders such as Cllr Mike Harrison have shown little grip on recycling.

Cllr Harrison (Cabinet member for rubbish and operational stuff) stated that “Thankfully the majority of residents do contain their recycling appropriately" which begs the question why did bin men leave most recycle bins un-emptied last week.

Still bin men, seem to have a new tactic in hacking off residents, usually my bin doesn't get emptied till late morning, however in a new terror tactic this morning they sneaked up the road about three hours early, blighter's, and I doubt I was the only one to miss out on the collection.

Maybe Cllr Mike Harrison is trying to emulate the appalling performance of his predecessor Cllr Alan Poole who oversaw the chaos last Christmas when some of us had rotting food and rubbish festering for weeks, just as side issue I see Poole who flounced out of the Labour after he and a friend got the old tin tack from the cabinet flounced back into the Labour party, I imagine Poole's done the maths and realises that nobody, in there right mind would vote for him in next years as an independent.

Any way let's sort'em them out, Labour are flipping useless, they can't sort themselves out! they can't sort out Ramsgate Harbour, they've struggled to sort out Pleasurama, the EKO scandal, they proved they can't handle the finances giving away multi-millions Transeuropa another million for ignoring advice not to block animal exports, wasted millions on the East Kent Access road, damned Manston airport with feint praise and are burying it.

Give Labour the tin tack in next years local elections don't vote for them.


  1. Excuse me but it was not Labour that spent millions together with KCC on the Eat Kent access road or indeed set up te secretive EKO but the Cons. The Cons also got TDC into the Transeuropa mess and the Cons also had nearly a decade to get the Pleasurama site sorted.

    1. cons should should read conners as thats what most of them are

  2. I'll give you the access road fella but EKO you've been just as secretive with Hart and Carter getting matey.

    TransEuropa although different story, yes Bayford kicked it off, but Hart and Everitt appear to have behaved like a couple frightened rabbits frozen and staring in to the headlights of a juggernaut driving off with 3 Mill of Thanet tax payers money er maybe that ought to be a couple of Cod waiting to be chewed up by the propeller of a ferry leaving Ramsgate Harbour for the last time with the loot.

    Right now of course we have Iris trying to convince God knows who, that you're sincere in trying to save Manston. Like Calamity Clive. LOL

    1. Shouldn't that be Red Herring and a Pirate Ship with the loot

  3. they dont want manston it would lose them their seats at both tdc & rtc
